Monday, November 24, 2008

from Darwin and friends!

Hello from Mercury are some of our students. They've been happy to see you online, see the classrooms and hear the students speaking.


Miss Bailin said...

Wow! I am so impressed with the global efforts of the staff ad students at MMES. We are so excited to share this site with the students at K.V. 4!!!! I m so proud of all of you. Thank you for your contributions and thank you Mrs. Pang for leading this effort! You are amazing and we are so thankful for you. Miss Reynolds says she wants to be your best friend.

:)Miss Bailin

Steven W said...

how many people are in the class?

Devon G. said...

Hi Miss Bailin! I wish I could post on your blog, but the internet won't let me. Anyways, that was really cool Mrs. Pang. I'm excited for when I'm going to be interviewed... if I get interviewed.
Devon Gomez

Kendra said...

How exciting to have a way to connect worlds a part! Thank you, Mrs. Pang for sharing the Mine with Ms Bailin.

Mrs. Wardon & Kendra